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California School Tobacco Surveys

Welcome to the official website of the California School Tobacco Surveys. Our team at UC San Diego is responsible for facilitating two statewide surveys that gather input from both students and educators. The data from these surveys provide the state of California with contextual information on tobacco and marijuana use among youth.

The Surveys

The California Student Tobacco Survey (CSTS) collects data on tobacco use (including vapes) and marijuana from middle and high school students across the state. The data allows our team to monitor use and frequency rates as well as other tobacco-related behaviors. Participating schools are also invited to distribute the California Educator Tobacco Survey (CETS) to their own teachers, administrators, and counselors so that those staff members can provide perspectives on youth use and prevention.

California Student Tobacco Survey

The CSTS is a statewide survey of middle and high school students that is used to obtain adolescent tobacco prevalence rates for the state of California.

California Educator Tobacco Survey

The CETS is a companion survey that provides educators with a chance to share their opinions on issues involving tobacco, vapes, and marijuana.

Survey Aims

Conduct a parallel survey of educators to compare attitudes between students and educators and between TUPE-funded schools and non-funded schools.

Examine the trends in use of multiple products (tobacco, vapes, and marijuana).

Determine whether the introduction of new and emerging tobacco products (such as vapes, hookah and cigarillos) has changed the social norms regarding tobacco use in schools.

Administer the California Student Tobacco Survey (CSTS) to obtain a statewide tobacco prevalence for students in grades 8, 10, and 12.

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