Tiffani Mason is a K-12 Educator. Her current role allows her to serve as support to many districts as a Curriculum Specialist for Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) with the Contra Costa County Office of Education. Her experience as an educator has demonstrated a long history of working in secondary comprehensive, continuation, and court and community schools. She trains and supports middle and high school instructors teaching classroom-based substance abuse prevention programs. She also supports all districts in the county with their administration of the California School Climate, Health, and Learning Survey (Cal-SCHLS) System. Tiffani recognizes the importance of tobacco prevention education and believes her work is most important in building resiliency among youth.
Related Staff
Sonia Gutierrez
Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Manager, Santa Clara County Office of Education
Jim Crittenden
Program Specialist, Prevention and Safety/TUPE Coordinator, San Diego County Office of Education